Steps to Build Cloud Talent You Need

Dec 7th, 2022

Steps to Build Cloud Talent You Need

Digital tech knowledge and skills requirement has become the standard thing in this digital era. According to research conducted under the title “Building Digital Skills for the Changing Workforce” noted that 95% of employees feel the need to hold digital skills, in a bid to cope with the changes in their function induced by remote work due to the covid-19 pandemic. 

Cloud skill of all kinds is hot in demand across many industries whether it’s banking – financial, or any other. On the other hand, organizations aggressively look for, find and hire the right talent with the right skill set that completely fits into all aspects of the open position.

Industries are turning toward cloud-based infrastructure, but the real task is managing it more efficiently and having clarity on the various cloud-based systems, software, or operations.

However, despite the rising demand for cloud solutions and implementation, many businesses are unable to leverage their competitive advantages. And the reason is struggling to hire the right cloud talent. If you are also one of those businesses, then this blog helps you to create a creative process of building cloud talent and how, when, and where you can find cloud talent.

Best Practices Need to Implement for Building the Cloud Talent

As per the conducted survey, it has been noticed that investment in cloud transformation tripled between 2017 to 2021(Source).  In contrast, companies are incapable of meeting that pace. Businesses with a higher degree of aspiration often don’t have in-house right cloud talent or the right cloud computing services providers to eliminate prominent gaps.

Conducted research and years of experience in the field of serving the best cloud computing solution and providing the best cloud transformation, we have identified the best steps to creating cloud talent. Let’s deep dive into the topic.

Cloud Computing Best Practices

1) Invest in Broad Experience Talent

Analyzing and having a clear understanding of the need for cloud skills for business is the very first step toward building effective talent management. As far as cloud talent is concerned, there are multiple categories in the companies, such as engineers, developers, and non-technical staff. In addition, having a clear understanding of what you want and which type of cloud talent needs to be hired with relevant experience is imperative. 

Benefits of Hiring Experienced Talent

According to the research, most of the valuable cloud-based talent in established enterprises doesn’t necessarily have certification. Instead, they hold years of experience in the field of maintaining IT infrastructure, working in the cloud,  hands-on development skills, and a habit of lifelong learning. As a result, experienced cloud talent empowers organizations to get an understanding of fundamental choices. Whereas, they help organizations to achieve scalable, robust, and secure solutions.

2) Conduct Upskilling or Reskilling Program for Cloud Talent

Hiring new talent can cost much more than upskilling or reskilling the existing employees. Moreover, the possibility of leaving the organization is always higher for newbies compared to the already-paid employees. According to LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report, 94% of employees would stay at a company if it invested in their career.

Workplace Learning ReportEmbracing the right approach to upskilling in-house talent helps in closing the loopholes, and also diminishes the cost and time of hiring new cloud talent. However, companies skip this crucial pinpoint due to the urgency to accomplish robust and scalable cloud solutions. According to a survey, only 25 percent of companies prefer to train individuals for their respective roles.

3) Culture is Must

Creating the right engineering culture for developers that optimize their experience of solving problems and getting approval process. In a recent round of in-depth interviews by McKinsey, executives claimed that over 95% of their IT procedures hindered the development of cloud talent. Thus, building a culture where cloud talent thrives in an operating model where teams are autonomous and are able to work on discrete products and platforms with automation. IT procedures hindered the development of cloud talentEngineers need to keep all the points in mind while building a platform that prioritizes developer experience. They can offer simple-to-use self-service capabilities that watch out for default configuration and control the security automatically. Keeping cloud talents away from meetings and toil can help organizations prevent employee turnover by enabling them to focus more on valuable work.

4) Assign The Best Cloud Leader as Owner

Most of the highly professional cloud talent work with leading cloud computing companies or cloud computing services providers. By partnering with the right cloud partner, such as Solution Analysts, they will benefit from cloud capabilities as well as build their own capabilities. A core element of commercial arrangements should be capability building since working with partners has proven to be an effective way to develop talent.

The right cloud partner resources will play their significant role by allocating the right cloud-specific leader as the owner. Along with taking care of whether the partner is meeting the commitment, that cloud leader also ensures the cloud efforts. Additionally, ensures that internal capabilities are developed at the right rate so as to keep up with the partners.

Concluding Lines on Building Cloud Talent

If your company is having trouble finding cloud talent to recruit, you must opt to develop that skill internally. Hiring seasoned and better-qualified cloud professionals, on the other hand, is your best option if your company plans to launch its cloud team from scratch. Or, if you’re seeking for a partner that can deliver the best cloud computing services, Solution Analysts is ready to hear about your needs. Contact our expert or for more inquiries drop us a quick mail at [].

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